list-nth-mod: Incorrect implementation for n=0 (Result of (list-nth-mod (quote (-5)) 0) was expected to equal -5) [incorrect answer]
list-nth-mod: Exception for empty list (No exception raised) [incorrect answer]
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#lang racket (provide (all-defined-out)) ;; so we can put tests in a second file ;; put your code below (define (sequence low high stride) (if (> low high) null (cons low (sequence (+ low stride) high stride)))) (define (string-append-map xs suffix) (map (lambda (x) (string-append x suffix)) xs)) (define (ith xs i) (if (= i 0) (car xs) (ith (cdr xs) (- i 1)))) (define (list-nth-mod xs n) (cond [(null? xs) error "list-nth-mod: empty list"] [(< (car xs) 0) error "list-nth-mod: negative number"] [#t (ith xs (remainder n (length xs)))])) (define (stream-for-n-steps s n) (if (= n 0) null (cons (car (s)) (stream-for-n-steps (cdr (s)) (- n 1))))) (define (stream-maker f g args) (letrec ([fn (lambda (x) (cons (f x) (lambda () (fn (g x)))))]) (lambda () (fn args)))) (define funny-number-stream (stream-maker (lambda (x) (if (= (remainder x 5) 0) (- 0 x) x)) (lambda (x) (+ x 1)) 1)) (define dan-then-dog (stream-maker (lambda (x) x) (lambda (x) (if (string=? x "dan.jpg") "dog.jpg" "dan.jpg")) "dan.jpg")) (define (stream-add-zero s) (stream-maker (lambda (x) (cons 0 (car (x)))) (lambda (x) (cdr (x))) s)) (define (cycle-lists xs ys) (letrec ([fn (lambda (i j) (cons (cons (ith xs i) (ith ys j)) (lambda () (fn (remainder (+ i 1) (length xs)) (remainder (+ j 1) (length ys))))))]) (lambda () (fn 0 0)))) (define (vector-assoc v vec) (letrec ([check (lambda (i) (cond [(= i (vector-length vec)) #f] [(pair? (vector-ref vec i)) (let ([p (vector-ref vec i)]) (cond [(equal? (car p) v) p] [#t (check (+ i 1))]))] [#t (check (+ i 1))]))]) (check 0))) (define (cached-assoc xs n) (letrec ([vec (make-vector n #f)] [pos 0]) (lambda (v) (let ([cache (vector-assoc v vec)]) (cond [(equal? #f cache) (begin ;(println "not found in cache") (let ([ans (assoc v xs)]) (cond [(equal? ans #f) #f] [#t (begin (vector-set! vec pos ans) (set! pos (if (= pos (- n 1)) 0 (+ pos 1))) ;(println pos) ans)])))] [#t (begin ;(println "found in cache") cache)]))))) (define-syntax while-less (syntax-rules (do) [(while-less e1 do e2) (letrec ([x e1] [iter (lambda (y) (if (< y x) (iter e2) #t))]) (iter e2))]))
@kingno不是,就是 Coursera 上的 Programming Languages